Monday, December 3, 2007

IT Camp Experience

December 1, 2007

I packed up my things to participate in the IT camp held in Informatics near UB (or is it part of UB?). By the time we were signing up, Sir Jen (our chaperone and Comp Ed teacher) told me that there is this contest called Fastest Typing Keyboard. I was interested because simply I love to type and I've grown accustomed to typing without almost looking at the keyboard especially letters. (well, maybe except for the digits and the symbols which I'm not used to) The morning was very dragging because there wasn't much activity except maybe for the IT forum. They showed us their animations which I think is very appreciative and not bad (well, I'm not that of a techie guy anyway).

Then after that, it was unexpected for me that I have to eat lunch outside the venue (well, I thought it was part of the fee). So I jump in with the fourth years to go bite to eat in BQ. I just ate two pieces of ngoyong and a cup of rice to fill up my hunger. After lunch, I was a little bit late when I arrived at the venue but thanks to Filipino time, the contest hasn't started yet. There I make new friends while the contest was still in preparation. I was nervous really, the rules said that using the right fingers in each key in the keyboard (which I'm not that accustomed of) but it was a relief when it was not checked. Well, unexpectedly I won first in the contest. It was a good feeling, haven't felt that good in my entire life. I made friends after the contest when I said "Do you have friendster accounts?", everybody jumped in and gave me their fs accounts, cellphone numbers, and yahoo messenger accounts. Talk about hitting two birds in one stone, haha.

Then after that, well... where was I? ah, after the contest, me and my new friends went to an internet cafe to add up all the contacts I've recently listed on my cellphone (the accounts). There I met one of my former classmates, damn he sure has changed. We still recognize each other and greeted each other with respect. We talked for awhile, about school, current life, lovelife (lol) then he gave me his new cellphone number and said our goodbyes and I'm back in the venue to rest and listen to my player.

When all activities were done in the venue, we embarked on the bus to go to Cristal e-college, our resting quarters somewhere in Panglao. It was a nice place; we had a campus tour there. It really was a nice place I'll give you that. The engine room, the control room... everything; but too bad I've no interest in marine engineering, I easily get seasick.

After all that.. and dinner.... we had our activities like games, and raffle draws but too bad I haven't won any prizes.

Oh, btw I received a medal from Informatics but it was scratched at the back (dammit), but what the heck, better have 50% of something than 100% of nothing right? (is the line familiar? lol)

I went to sleep after that immediately.

DECEMBER 2, 2007

The next day, I woke up and turned on my music player. It was a little bit boring. The place is still quiet so I went back to sleep after that. I won't explain the rest of the details since it has nothing significant about it.

After I woke up (again), we went from the lobby to have a Sunday Bible Activity or whatever you call it (btw, the message is all about "life being temporary and unexpected; use it wisely"), then ate breakfast, then after much about that we posed for some pictures, waved goodbye to the friendly faced "new friends) and then headed home in our way to the city.

It was helluva experience and it was all worth it. Good thing I joined the camp. If there'll be one next time, I'll definitely join again and experience the worthwhile activity.


- I went to the IT camp held in Informatics, then rested in Cristal e-college, had a campus tour, and held some activities.
- I've made some new friends, they were very approachable which I least expected it.
- I won in the fastest keyboard contest, and it felt good (even if I only got a medal)
- All time spent, all worth it.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Well, as a fifteen year old; I've been undergoing changes both physically, mentally, and emotionally and still I'm having troubles adjusting to the changes especially to the freakin' environment.

I've been isolating myself to the world lately, come to think of it; my "frank" personality to people maybe is one of the main factors why. I mean, I've been taught to be honest, to avoid hypocrisy and look at the outcome. I've made many enemies and probably I'm making myself an enemy. But who gives a s*** anyway right?

Well, for now. I'm having inspirations through music, letting it all out by blogging (and cursing if I may), and this particular girl ( but too bad she's leaving for the US soon); and I'm happy that I'm having these inspiratons and motivations in my life.

Well, I'm having some sort of a writing block so I'll just leave the post right here.

Til next time when my brain is perfectly functional and I'm in the right mood to write a blogpost.




- My own imaginary place with no boundaries, and with all my ideas, beliefs, and perspectives put together. It's not that perfect but at least it's clean of hypocrisy and differences.

It's been awhile since I've written a blog post (I began using this site instead of using friendster, because now; fs sucks! to be frank).

Well, I've finally found a shard of motivation when I won the essay writing contest in the interschool contest. (Finally, a gold medal that is worthed to be earned). Well, although the certificate was not signed by Elpidio Jala, I'll find my time to have my certificate signed to make it "authentic"; but behind all that, I'm feeling ecstatic.

And after that, the tides are on my favour. I was notified that I got high scores in AP (Social Studies), and English. Well, a good way to start the day I think. At least, there is one day I could wear a smirk in my face. Mwahaha!


Finally I've been to a concert!!! URBANDUB!!!! Too bad, I was unable to have my cd autographed and be able to take a picture with them. With all the luck in world, I have no damn VIP pass, and it was raining at the time of the concert but regardless, I was happy that I was able to see them play. It was freakin' awesome. They sang Alert the Armory (my personal favorite song of the band), Soul Searching, Sailing, FIRST OF SUMMER, and Gone. Everyone was great. Gabby, Mary Rose (or Lalay), John, and Janjan were wicked! Well, I'll never forget that concert because it was my FIRST CONCERT EVER.


Unlike other weeks. This one would be my happiest yet for there will be no classes in one whole week, and I won't see those f****** faces, and mostly I can have quality time with myself; playing video games and all. I hope this week would really be my bed of roses.

I'm also planning to join the IT camp this weekend and if I do can join the camp, it would be 2 days worth of fun (I hope).

Well, for now I'm doing good. Ignoring the problems for awhile, time to enjoy life for awhile.

So much has happened, it was my birthday last November 10. I never told anyone that it's my birthday and still I'm surprised that some (even though I'm not that close with them) greeted me in advance. What's ironic though is that the ones I'm close with are the ones that greeted me late.

Newsflash : The grades have been released this second grading ... and I'm still shooting blanks in Physics, and the other subjects I'm having problems with. Although some increased (all hail Mathematics!!), and some have decreased (dammit Chemistry, and MAPEH to name a few.), I'm not that worried to have grades like that. I mean, what's the worse that could happen? Right?

I sure do hope, this week will be a blast. I sure do hope so.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Deadman's holidays

Well, after a 3 day break, we then have another 4 days (All Saint's Day, All Soul's Day and the weekends to spend my holidays with). It's nice to take a break once in a while (just being at school makes me so stressful and weak).

I was supposed to be at my friend's house to have fun but then two of my other friends backed out because the one was not permitted by his parents and the other one has gone sick. It will be awkward if I go there alone just to disturb the peace. So, yeah it was a little bit disappointing yet I was more of hanging out of our house so dealing with it won't be much of a problem.

I'll enjoy my holidays with or without the dead.

Happy Halloween !