Friday, February 22, 2008

TCSHS Junior Senior Promenade

I've just experienced my first and unlike any other firsts. I actually liked it.

Because we are tasked to be "gentlemen" in this event (you know, those "offering the seats" to the ladies, help her go upstairs.... things like that), it's helluva hard task. I've never been of a "gentleman" before. It's tiring, but I guess it pays off the experience. Every person experiences all his firsts right?

Despite it being "scripted" and all, they were surprises (I hate surprises). We (the juniors) were told to dance the "La Cucaracha", a dance presentation in our MAPEH class that I've told to forget.

Even in dinnertime, Sir still bosses us around with doing this and doing that. I was told to pick up the freakin' feathers the "dove" have left. I haven't thrown it away though, I'll paste it in my journal; maybe for sentimental value and evidence perhaps?

A friend of mine brought with him a camera, unfortunately for us; he forgot to charge it's batteries so we were unable to take that "many pictures" in the event but according to him, his camera just turned on and said it was a "miracle" from the Almighty. Well, talk about "strange things" so we didn't hesitate and took pictures with me and some friends. It was helluva experience actually, forget the introversion for awhile.

With the last will and testament part, I laughed when a friend of mine was declared a sleepyhead. He was frustrated not because he was declared as one but because he wasn't the only sleephead alone. Could've been nice if he's the only one. Unique in a way of course. Most things ain't bad as I usually "witness" in my own opinion.

My prom partner ain't bad either. She's a nice person, understanding really. I bought her roses (because she told me so, and didn't expect I'd really do it) It's really hard to be a gentleman. My first time actually. It all better be worth it; because I'm not the usually gentleman type just as I've said at the top of this post.

There was the pinning of corsage, and the singing tribute of the juniors entitled "Next in Line" which I by the way don't like listening.

(Note by the way: This event is only through my perspective and only based on all the memory I could remember so I apologize if there were some events here I haven't mentioned and recognized)

"moving on"

Ah, the socials... maybe the "best part" of any activity. Dancing and socializing here, dancing and socializing that.... I have danced about 7 girls as far as I've remember (even if it's only a few days ago, I'm sometimes forgetful about things). My last dance was with "her" (to all the freakin' chismosos and chismosas there I'm sure you know her, so it was all worthwhile. Then me and my friends took pictures courtesies of my "religious friend" and of course don't forget the photographer (and teacher) Mr. Daniel Jr.

The socials are still going on but I decided not to dance after that (my stomach was already aching so I just decided to sit, rest, and "socialize"). It's a bit weird about the fact that I'm socializing, which I'm not really grown accustomed to. Strange days indeed. Yes indeed.

Well, I guess that wraps it up. I really hope you didn't regret reading this one and I appreciate everyone who've read this.

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