Saturday, February 23, 2008

TCSHS Guillotine

After the Prom (if you haven't read about the Prom, you can read it just below this post), I'm thinking about things and I've thought about my own dang freaking grades.

If the 85 grade mark really is the basis on Math, then I'm on the verge of saying goodbye to my new alma mater.

The TCSHS Guillotine as what I've called it (and it sounds cool so I decided to keep it that way), is one of the things that bothers me most. Everytime I think of school; it only reminds me of it.

But as Churchill once said: "A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." ; and I really hope I'm that optimist. If truly this is only a test or obstacle that I must face then come what may.

(The word guillotine also reminds me of that Urbandub song... "the song keeps playing on my head").

I'm looking at the glass half full... are you?

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