Sunday, April 27, 2008


I woke up early at around 3 am because brother's tuning up the volume while watching tv (yes, he's awake at midnight, sleeps in the morning). Since I can't go back to sleep, I just went to the living room, turned on the pc, then started connecting to the internet.


At around 8, me and mother decided to go to church for a change of pace (yes, we don't go to church that often). I was a little bit pissed out since the mass we've entered is entirely visayan. I'm really having a hard time keeping up with the priest's lectures here and lecture that. The important thing is, I was able to go to church and I'm expecting the person "above" would be happy about this. Hallelujah!

We went to BQ to buy a pair of slippers for our freakin' street dancing. I also bought a nitro internet card. I'm tired of using PLDT vide. It gets slow and eventually goes down after around every 20-35 minutes. I have to reconnect the connection in order to resume my surfing. Nitro's been not that much of a problem but it's too damn slow. Oh well, you can't get the best of both worlds if your internet connection is "dial up" only.

Funny thing about today is that brother challenged me to play against him in Tekken 5. He always use Hwoarang so I used my favorite character, Law. I kicked his ass often and boy, his cursing is like music of victory to my ears (seriously, I've been waiting for this moment ever since the day he started beating me up often in fighting games). I always use this "spinning kick" and uses punch combos that even his Hwoarang can't even counter with his "X,X,X,O" usual combos. Of course, his every loss has lame excuses such as "the controller is jammed", "his character can't block", or his favorite excuse "chamba, or lucky".

After his excessive cursing, he decided to play UFC instead; in the first 10 games I always beat his ass through striking (he uses submission btw). As usual, he uses his tiring lame excuses but he was able to catch up on me and once he finally went ahead of me by one 1 victory, he quit and said it's over.. saying I lost and I'm a loser. I find it funny because, he quitted playing only after he went ahead of me. I've been ahead of him most of the time. Now who's the sore loser now? mwahah... don't forget Tekken. I've swept your ass.

Beating brother in a video game is like achieving something extraordinary. His curses and his loss inspires me to further beat him in a video game. The last time I won against him, he punched me several times, banged the controller then walked out . That was a painful, but sweet victory. That was the only time back then I dominated him in fighting games.

Now, I don't want to challenge him again. It's a no win situation anyway. You lose, he brags about it in the house. You win, he punches you and says I'm just lucky. Bottomline now is.... I KICKED HIS ASS!!!! Mwahaha!

After that, it was much pretty boring the rest of the evening so I won't bother posting the rest of the events after that.

And let me reiterate this again; I KICKED HIS ASS!!! Mwahaha!

Tomorrow's gonna be a long haul. I hate going back to school but oh well, I have to submit my written articles to our school paper editor-in-chief for publishing.

I love this day.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


It goes on and on - brother's still using the load of the internet connection, my favored team is still on the slump, and it still feels depleting at most. This summer just keeps worse than usual.

Today's still one of those days where you are feeling pumped up at the beginning of the day but still ends up short. There's always someone or something that could easily ruin my day. Firstly, the Pistons lost in game 3 in Philadelphia which makes it bad at their situation, though I'm confident they could climb their way back up and win the series; I'm still having doubts about their head coach Flip Saunders. Dang!

Well, it isn't much of a day breaker because it's nothing concerning my personal life - but after that, arguments with father started; because I already have this reflex that I'd talk back everytime he'll say something provocative to me. Dammit, could I be completely happy in a day for once? The school year's over but there's still plenty of sh*t to deal with. I don't have any problems with the unsubmitted articles of the school paper since I've already finished it; but the street dancing practice will resume this Monday (which I think is already useless since we're all familiar with the stepping and for goodness sake, we've been dancing the tiring and tedious steppings ever since the summer vacation hasn't started yet. What makes it worse is that there's still a thing called "thesis proposal" that needs work. The reasons why I haven't started yet firstly, because our internet connection's so darn slow, it'd hardly load up friendster. It'd take you luck to be able to log in to friendster, yahoo mail, and yahoo messenger simultaneously. Second, I don't have much savings left to go to some internet cafe to research; and third, my parents won't lend me some money (oh yeah I almost forgot, they haven't payed their debts... 1000 php!. Which makes it, not "lending" but paying back their debts).

Brother's still whining around the house so it makes it an addition to my irritations today. The family's not been that peaceful lately. There's still arguments around. Well, it's natural if you ask me but as of now, it's been "more than natural". It sucks really. I can't wait for this to end. I'm still hoping for a better vacation this May. April's not been smooth for me and for all of us (I'm referring to my batchmates).

Since the prologation continues, I logged in to the internet to check in the forums (our school forum mostly, and yes; so lucky to have logged in.. now it's my yahoo messenger that's hardly been loading). I've posted some topics there when some schoolmate made me a little irritated and disturbed today. Everytime I make a post, he'll always respond "against" it. I kind of find his post "infuriating" but I remain "low" because you don't want to go against somebody that's older than you. To them, you're always one the "wrong side".. know what I mean? His posts reminds me of that psycho who pm'ed me saying offensive messages. I find the people around me today, "snobbish" and "odious". Maybe it's a sudden summer mood swing perhaps?

To the person that I'm referring to on the previous paragraph: If you're reading this, then please don't bother commenting to me about offensive remarks. I'm already furious at reading your messages on the forums, don't make it worse by commenting on it here. This is where I speak my mind and nobody's gonna suppress me.

With that said,

Most of my frustrations today have been posted here, so it'd feel relieving to have posted it here.

By the way:

It's been awhile since I went to church so I'll go there tomorrow for enlightenment and a little "peace of mind".

Monday, April 21, 2008



Dang! Wizards and Pistons lost! Father's been so happy about the news lately, since he's both Cavs and a diehard Laker fan. Oh well, it's still game 1 - remember the Nuggets-Spurs last playoffs? Nuggets upset the Spurs game 1 but SA went on to win the series 4 game straight. Good news is, Utah take game 2 against Houston which make it 2-0 Jazz lead series.

It'd be no surprise for me if Phoenix gets their ass kicked by San Antonio - everytime they meet in a playoff series; they (Phx) always get eliminated by SA - it was since Marbury was still a Sun (remember the buzzer beater he hit on game 1? that was pure luck).


It was so disappointing that many of the games we've bought didn't play in our console. It was like around 12 out of 25 games were only functional. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the BIOS configuration in the PS2 and since the ones we bought the games from were from Manila, and he uses a boxed set console (the original size of the PS2; large.. compared to ours; the resized one). Well, I'm still happy some were fine especially some RPGs and hack and slash games. I was gonna play them when our club moderator (which also happens to be one of my teacher) surprisingly called me through the phone just recently; it was all about the articles I have to submit in order to have it published in the school paper - well, I haven't even started yet so it's going to be a long road. Although, our editor in chief texted me about the articles, he said to submit it in Monday. I thought it was NEXT monday but turns out, it's this Monday; probably the reason why maam called to notify me. Dang!

Oh well, maybe I'll just stop playing games for a while and better get to it - after I finished everything I have to do in the net.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Temporary Breather

Thank goodness, the scheduled practices for this week are over.

Brother just came back from Manila around yesterday so I don't think I can use the internet that often, just so you know.

All we ever do there to enjoy ourselves were playing hoops with some friends and some schoolmates. One thing I noticed is that they always leave me wide open so I took advantage of the big space and hit several jumpers (including 2 clutch shots that won our game); no bullsh*t. There's one of my batchmate who isn't really a basketball enthusiasts but dang!; he hit 4 straight jumpshots against our opponents so yeah, you shouldn't judge a person by it's appearance and I hope this keeps going because with me being "underestimated" I could really get wide open looks. Although I could see our opponents not playing their best; I mean come on, they're always doing silly alley-oops, fancy layups and putbacks but come one, they could've been played their A game against us.

The best moment I've ever done in basketball is me hitting 5 straight jump shots including 1 three pointer; well, to some who are really good at basketball, it's nothing to brag but to me... for a person who only plays basketball on video games, it's not bad isn't it? The only reason I think I hit many jumpers because of the same thing - WIDE OPEN LOOKS!

All I could think of now are my thesis proposal and the NBA Playoffs but since I don't want to talk about my thesis proposal (strictly confidential); then I'd just post here my insights about the playoffs.

The NBA regular season is over; now it's PLAYOFF time!

It's really hard to predict who will emerge champs this season (the Celtics best season record ain't a guarantee - remember the Mavs?), but I'll still root for my favorite teams to take the gold all the way namely:

New Orleans Hornets
- At last, a healthy lineup of Chris Paul, Peja Stojakovic, and Tyson Chandler; the only reason they didn't make it to the playoffs 2 seasons straight was because of an unhealthy roster. Now, they got a chance to prove they got the shot at the title though their disadvantage would be the lack of playoff experience.

Washington Wizards
- Agent Zero aka Gilbert Arenas is back and so is Caron Butler. I really hope their offensive power could knock out "King James and his kingdom". It's so nice to shut the Cavs' fans yaps about their ranting and worshipping of "Lebron". I'm not saying Lebron's a bad player or anything, I just hate one man teams (even if they got Ben Wallace and Sczerbiak; it's still Lebron's team). Long story short, I hope they could eliminate the Cavs - I believe Agent Zero could do that and he'll have his chance to redeem himself concerning 2 years ago when he missed the two clutch free throws that could've kept the Wizards alive (or probably win the series).

and lastly

Detroit Pistons

-If Arenas and the Wizards get eliminated, I hope Detroit could finish the job. The full review of this team is in my previous post (Detroit Pistons Starters and Detroit Pistons Bench). DEEEE-TROIT BASKETBALL!!!

-----Updates soon------

Monday, April 14, 2008

Arduous Summer

I am expecting my summer to be hectic since I'm planning to work ahead on my thesis proposal but what I don't expect are the arduous school activities - almost a week of irritating street dancing practice for some event that will be held on May 8, the batch beach party that I'm not looking forward to, though I'm looking forward for it to be fun, I have a bad feeling about the said activity and when I have a bad feeling about something/someone; 75% of it comes true. I've run out of optimism considering there are lots of negative energy roaming not only in my customary feeling about school but also at home as well. The thing I now want most is a bigger space of freedom for myself which some people there would refuse giving me to because of the freakin' dangers outside this and that etc. etc. . I know they're being protective and all but I'm getting irritated about the ways they're doing to me. It's like living in a house arrest, I even got scolded one time for not asking permission to go to the city for spending some leisure time - WTF!

As I've been experiencing recently, it's been all fu**ed-up because I haven't seen these kinds of things coming around summer vacation. My plans are totally ruined and some free time are wasted because of these unexpected circumstances. Even some of my friends are snubbing me. Now, I really believe in the saying "Help yourself before helping others." - putting it into moral values, it's really on a sense of being selfish but what's the freakin' use of helping others when you yourself won't even benefit from it? nor will the people you've helped will help you in return? That's reality, and reality is a "give and take" system. You help me, I help you and vice versa. I'm still fuming mad on those people who I call "ingrates". Oh well, I really hope you'll have your days but I'm still glad to hear there are some people out there who would not hesitate to at least give some respect to me; without them, maybe I'll be battling those m***********s myself. Don't even think I have forgiven you. Making a ceasefire agreement is different from making a peace treaty.

Overall, my summer vacation so far is all but kaput.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stairway to Hell

This post is a continuation to my previous post "Prediction Came Right".........

I was "partly" right about my predicition I can say. I came to school for some club meeting to be held to discuss the future activities within the group, and get my clearance signed. Well, they're late again as usual. I know it was coming because of the ever typical "filipino time" - the secondmost trait I hate about most filipinos, first would be the crab mentality.

I arrived in school with a gloomy mood because I had another argument with father almost every single morning (well, it's typical so I don't give it much of a big deal); seeing the sophomores playing basketball as usual and the rest of the campus being quiet and eerie at the same time. I was patiently waiting for them near at the Audio Visual Hall with a classmate helping me organize my Yu-Gi-Oh! deck of cards. I used to play this game alot, now I have no idea about the game. Maybe I need to refresh my mind about these matters, I 've been caught busy with video games recently. Back to the story, as I expected; we were again being ordered to do some school chores but I never got to do much so it saved me some time and energy for the activities I have to do later. Still, I was pretty much frustrated seeing the schedule of practices for the freakin' street dancing to be held in May 8. The batch beach party would also be held in May 5 and it's so damn freakin' compulsory. They're so dang presumptuous, one of the main reasons why I don't like most of the people there. What the hell would I do on those kinds of gatherings? Dammit. Even in our summer vacation, we'd still see much of school and it's seems like we'll never experience the whole 2 months of vacation basing on what's happening right now. I hate my high school life, hate it and enough said.

Frustrated by the schedule, I decided to get back home after all the things need to be done in school. The morning was disastrous but the rest of the day turned out fine.

And I'm going down...... all the way.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Things Left Unsaid

I just want to clarify; before you leave me on commenting violent reactions, just know that I'm posting this just for the sake of "letting out the things left unsaid and those alike".

(I'd warn you that this post contains explicit language.)
Read at your own risk

I know that today's the right time of expressing this since now, I've nothing left much to lose.

Is it just me? or is the school fading in terms of quality education? because I can't seem to relate the experiences told by the previous batches about how memorable their life in the school is. Maybe we're not on it's "Golden Age" anymore. We're just like another great empire that is currently in decline, and hoping it won't be our downfall. Some of the good teachers have left and some slowly leaving the school although I can say there are still some few good teachers left.

Is it just me? or am I just that kind of person who can't seem to establish a connection with most of the people there? because despite of other people saying they're enjoying their life there. I don't. That's the truth and I haven't said this truth before because I know that they'll be huge risks that I've to suffer if I have to say this. Negative feedbacks, violent reactions, grudges are some examples of possibilities. Most people there are treating me shit (I don't want to censor these kinds of words anymore.). They gave me tonguelashing like I'm some perfect kind of person. I know that "diamond cannot be polished without friction"; but don't assume that all people can be disciplined through such insulting and hurtful words. I'm not from the army nor I'm from the Boy Scouts for crying out loud. I've also noticed that my friendships there are getting fake, freaking numbskulls. They're just after my guitar, they're just after my mp3 player, they're after my dvds, and I can even say that my "intermediate pad paper" has more friends than me you get what I mean? I've also done many things in order to find out such betrayal and I've felt the disgust in you and your fuckin' people alike because yeah, I know we couldn't even be friends anymore but at least you'll be gone by the next school year so I'll be glad not to hear anything from the freakin' people that I want to forget in my life, that includes you. Do you even think people are "godlike"? Hell no! That is why I don't trust people's facades anymore. They're just like wearing freakin' masks or doble kara or something like that. I'm not a saint, I commit mistakes sometimes, I have my downsides but the moment I've known and heard that you've been talking behind my back with some batchmate of mine some months, I've been pissed out to you ever since. What's hurful most is having the thought that I could trust you and you being "close to a saint". Turns out, you're just like any other people that I prefer to call "backstabbers". You, your and my so-called friends can just eat my dust. I know that someday karma's gonna get you all in some way. Fuckin' perfectionists, fuckin' backstabbers, fuckin' traitors.

And to the rest of those motherfuckers, do you even think I have no idea on what you're talking about me behind my back? I have my friends (and they've sweared it to God and their souls be damned forever if they're lying, so I can guarantee their honesty and besides that; they're moral abiding), who are telling me the sick and betraying things you've said to me; and now you're coming to me like we're some longtime friends? Fuck you! Just because you're some bigshot there doesn't mean you can bully and boast your "popularity" to me and my friends. You are just the same with the people I've been referring to in my previous paragraph. I know right now, you're not in the right terms of one of my classmates; and to think you're close friends before. Curse her too! You're all just the same but I'm glad my friends aren't like you people. If they are, then I wouldn't even think there's a significance in high school life and to the teachers who are doing their jobs well, then I appreciate and thank you for all the hardwork and for your understanding. I almost thought all the people there are different but I'm really really glad they're not like some motherfucking people I know since my first year there.

Just to quote a Greyhoundz song (Doble Kara), so any motherfucker who would read this would realize their own downsides instead of citing and criticizing mine. I hope you'll get hit "in your face" with this song because this is one of my favorite songs, this reminds me never to give my trust to anyone that anyone and to admit one of my biggest mistakes that is, by trusting you sick sons of bitches.

Doble Kara (by Greyhoundz)

Abot ng kamay sabay yakap
Bulungan "kamusta na kaibigan?
Ayos ba tayo jan?" tapik sa
Balikat sabay kindat" ingat
Nag-aalala lang" kala mo
Meron nga siyang pakialam pero
Pagkatalikod kanya-kanyang
Gawaan ng kwentong sino ang
Bida sino ang lamang kanya-
Kanyagn siraan 'alam mo ba yan
Si ganyan supot yan! mas astig
Ako jan!" at kung makatawa
Kala mo ang lupit lupit niya't
Magaling sa lahat kaso ikaw na
Nakangiting nakikinig huwag ka
Ng manghusga ano ba naman
Ang pinagkaiba natin sa kanila..

Nakakalimot nadudulas
Napupuno pero nagmamahal..
Nakakalungkot nakakatawa tao
Lang pero minsan.. daig mo pa
Ang ahas anong klaseng mukha
Kaya suot mo bukas daig mo pa
Ang ahas kaninong pwet kaya
Hahalikan mo bukas

Yan ka na naman kumakamada
Di ka na nahiya nagpupumilit
Makisiksik sa kahit di mo lungga
Di mo butas para maging pabigat
Manira managasa't magpahirap
Ng kapwa balimbing na
Kumakapit sa kung sino lang
Ang mainit ngunit maskadiri't
Masmabaho ka pa sa basura
Kapag naubusan pagkatapos
Mong mabusog ay tinatangay na
Ng hangin kung sa bagay.. para
Saan ba naman daw ang kaibigan
Kung hindi mo rin siya gagamitin

Nakakalimot nadudulas
Napupuno pero nagmamahal..
Nakakalungkot nakakatawa tao
Lang pero minsan.. daig mo pa
Ang ahas anong klaseng mukha
Kaya suot mo bukas daig mo pa
Ang ahas kaninong pwet kaya
Hahalikan mo bukas
Sinasayawan sinasabayan ang
Ihip at sipol ng hangin.

Nasilaw sa ilaw na dala ng
Panahon.. nakisawsaw sa balita
Para lang masabing andun siya
Nakiluksa sa drama ng iba
Kunwari naluha pa reklamo ng
Reklamo gagong di naman
Pumaparehas bidang bidang
Nakikisakay sa galing ng ibang

Daig mo pa
Ang ahas anong klaseng mukha
Kaya suot mo bukas daig mo pa
Ang ahas kaninong pwet kaya
Hahalikan mo bukas
Sinasayawan sinasabayan ang
Ihip at sipol ng hangin.


I love this song, the reality of the lyrics and powerful guitar play.


ANO'ng mga klaseng mukha suot niyo bukas?
Kasi daig niyo pa ang ahas
Kaninong pwet kaya hahalikan mo bukas!!!!

Prediction Came Right

As I've said in my previous post, "it's gonna be a shitty day" and it did.

I went there to assess and rate the teachers. I wasn't even chosen to evaluate. Instead, I have to do some chores and some landscaping. Then came added insult to injury.... the month of April are planned with freakin' practices for our yet again another streetdance (let it all out: DAMMIT!), and the worse thing is; a research proposal for our thesis is an essential requirement for enrollment for the next school year, and not to mention another four hour school brigade to deal with.

I was unable to have my clearance completely signed so I guess I'll be back again tomorrow. Dang!

Prediction for tomorrow: Day will turn out initially great but shitty afterwards.

Let's see if I can do another accurate prediciton.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Today's been dragging. I'm just downloading some mp3s from limewire, checking my friendster account, playing video games in my room, and updating this blog; but it's good news that mother's back from the trip. Now I can probably resume my research and ask for assistance.

I've grown addicted in eating the chocolates my father's brought from Manila. Butterfinger, Three Musketeers, and Milky Way to name a few. Better keep my sugar level balanced; don't want to experince Diabetes.

Finally, I've finished the game Bully, but technically it's not 100% completion; I still have many things to do before I could complete it fully. I only finished the entire storyline. I'm too lazy finishing the side missions. Well, I'm glad I've finished that game; next stop, Dawn of Mana.

Tomorrow's the assessment of teachers. I don't know what's gonna totally happen tomorrow, it'd only take some time and maybe finish off my clearance. It's the only nuisance I have to deal with as of late. I have a bad feeling about tomorrow, I think it's gonna turn shitty. No optimism for now, I've run out of it; maybe this June.

That's about it...... for now

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I was just browsing other people's blogs and found some blog accounts from the previous batch. Turns out, they all have the same topic; about Sir Jen's scolding (they're old blogposts). I didn't bother leaving a comment since the topics were outdated and I doubt if they still check their blogspot accounts.

I just had a very long conversation with a friend recently. We've talked about certain matters; it lasted for about 3 hours (conversation in ym, not on the phone). It's been nice to have someone who's trusted, most people I've met are just some sickos who just approach me when they're in trouble, fair weathered friends in short. We have certain things in common. We're both fans of the Detroit Pistons, we're both freaks in the field of History, and we're both underdogs in terms of competitions. You know what I mean?

I'm just plain glad today because I still have communication from the "outside world", and mother's coming back home tomorrow from Marawi. I haven't seen her in a week or so, and it's time to seek help from what my possible study's gonna be. I'm all f***ed up on that matter. I know it's too early to worry about that but I think it's better to plan be prepared earlier. I don't want to experience the things the previous batch had experienced. Last minute actions, 11th hour burning the midnight oil or something like that.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Looking Back


Well, it's the moment I've been waiting for; the official end of the school year.

Though it's not been a dominating happiness; there's still a lot of s*** to deal with. I haven't been cleared completely yet and there's still a lot of cleaning to be done in order for us to get enrolled in our school (and yes, we're a public school if you're wondering).

Now, I'm all but worried about what's my study's gonna be to the next school year. I thought I have found one, now I'm starting from scratch. Dang!

III-Nobel - TCSHS's new breed

III-Nobel "Buwan ng Wika" Mariachis... God that was embarrassing but I think it's worth it

A New Breed Arises; Nobelians rise!

Anyways, it's been a long and fun run this school year. We had our laughs and fades but s*** happens. It really does I tell you. We've been under alot of pressure (and by that, I meant our section alone). Proud to be one of the first batch of TCSHS's new section (Nobel); and not to mention we're the most abused of them all (we've been bossed around almost every single day, and I'm trying my best to evade it). We're also an underrated section (take a look at Prinz Buyo and Teepu Camba's robotic awards, King Seroje's STEP award, Giomen Alayon's superb Theology and General Knowledge, and Darrell Malto's honors and the master of art mad skills), we haven't got that much credit because we suck at academics (Darrell's our class valedictorian, he's eleventh overall). Good feeling to be underrated, it's something that I'm really proud of. Forget the awards, forget the recognition, all that matters are the things that we are capable of.

Lunch with some friends (I'm at the center, not aware the cam was there)

JS PROM (me and some caporegimes, mwaha)

The Peak Years of High School Life
This June, we're about to reach the peak of our high school life (and be the big boss men of the campus; IF!, we'll gonna make it). Batch 10's graduated and we'll be the ones who would be taking over. I'm gonna miss them though.

June 2008, a freaking date that "I'm not looking forward to". We're going to be Sir L's punching bags. (oh, wait a minute we already are....). His so-called "polo y servicio" will be held this May, another freakin' school brigade. I hate cleaning you know? It's not really a fun break this summer; but at least I'm far away from school. My mother wants me to study calculus now that I'm nearing my high school life's end. Next school year's going to be a bumpy ride!

Speaking of next school year, Oh s***! I haven't find a single possible study for my thesis. Dang!

As of now, I've been playing and trying to finish the game "Bully" (I'm on the last chapter now). Besides that, I'm here writing blog entries just for the sake of having something to do (and at the same time, listening to music). Nobody's online besides my brother and some forum mates in friendster. Where could they all have gone? Or did they all set their accounts invisible just to avoid my presence? Hope not.