Thursday, April 17, 2008

Temporary Breather

Thank goodness, the scheduled practices for this week are over.

Brother just came back from Manila around yesterday so I don't think I can use the internet that often, just so you know.

All we ever do there to enjoy ourselves were playing hoops with some friends and some schoolmates. One thing I noticed is that they always leave me wide open so I took advantage of the big space and hit several jumpers (including 2 clutch shots that won our game); no bullsh*t. There's one of my batchmate who isn't really a basketball enthusiasts but dang!; he hit 4 straight jumpshots against our opponents so yeah, you shouldn't judge a person by it's appearance and I hope this keeps going because with me being "underestimated" I could really get wide open looks. Although I could see our opponents not playing their best; I mean come on, they're always doing silly alley-oops, fancy layups and putbacks but come one, they could've been played their A game against us.

The best moment I've ever done in basketball is me hitting 5 straight jump shots including 1 three pointer; well, to some who are really good at basketball, it's nothing to brag but to me... for a person who only plays basketball on video games, it's not bad isn't it? The only reason I think I hit many jumpers because of the same thing - WIDE OPEN LOOKS!

All I could think of now are my thesis proposal and the NBA Playoffs but since I don't want to talk about my thesis proposal (strictly confidential); then I'd just post here my insights about the playoffs.

The NBA regular season is over; now it's PLAYOFF time!

It's really hard to predict who will emerge champs this season (the Celtics best season record ain't a guarantee - remember the Mavs?), but I'll still root for my favorite teams to take the gold all the way namely:

New Orleans Hornets
- At last, a healthy lineup of Chris Paul, Peja Stojakovic, and Tyson Chandler; the only reason they didn't make it to the playoffs 2 seasons straight was because of an unhealthy roster. Now, they got a chance to prove they got the shot at the title though their disadvantage would be the lack of playoff experience.

Washington Wizards
- Agent Zero aka Gilbert Arenas is back and so is Caron Butler. I really hope their offensive power could knock out "King James and his kingdom". It's so nice to shut the Cavs' fans yaps about their ranting and worshipping of "Lebron". I'm not saying Lebron's a bad player or anything, I just hate one man teams (even if they got Ben Wallace and Sczerbiak; it's still Lebron's team). Long story short, I hope they could eliminate the Cavs - I believe Agent Zero could do that and he'll have his chance to redeem himself concerning 2 years ago when he missed the two clutch free throws that could've kept the Wizards alive (or probably win the series).

and lastly

Detroit Pistons

-If Arenas and the Wizards get eliminated, I hope Detroit could finish the job. The full review of this team is in my previous post (Detroit Pistons Starters and Detroit Pistons Bench). DEEEE-TROIT BASKETBALL!!!

-----Updates soon------

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